So I wasn’t able to add new items to wordpress menu and found out that the reason is the POST limit but adding max_input_vars = 2000 did not solve the problem (default is 100...
Long story short: BAD IDEA, don’t. It’s widely recommended to edit some of the spam comments -removing the spam url and editing comment content to something more relate...
If you are using “page-template”s you’ll have problems with pagination since pages are not meant to display posts and some people frown upon using page-templates ...
My navigation menu started disappearing on category pages. First I suspected there was something with the header or menu location, I have double, triple checked everything and I wa...
I was working on an autocomplete solution and I was thinking of ways to speed up the search. I will be providing a few examples with results below. Q1 is the default wordpress sear...
It’s always a pain to work with multibyte characters; most fonts only support ISO-8859-1 English letters. I was working with Imagemagick but some of the strings contained Ara...
Twitter yeni tasarımını göndermeye başlayalı bayağı oldu, birden fazla twitter hesabım olduğu ve bunların bazıları yeni tasarıma geçtiği bazıları geçmediği için hem eski hem yeniyi...
If you have a comment in your <head> that says <!-- This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress --> it’s not a big deal for the average user, but if you do no...