disable annoying sound after changing volume control
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The story: I was getting session file write errors (write failed: No space left on device (28) ) in wp admin, i checked /tmp folder but it was not full, only 60% percent was used. ...
I just got BSOD’ed with pfn_list_corrupt error. A quick search suggests it’s probably memory -RAM- related. I had recently installed AMD’s RAMDisk hoping i would ...
I needed a placeholder for tags input but it’s boring to display the same tags every time. But unlike posts, WP doesnt have “rand” orderby paramater. So what you ...
I’ve been pulling my hair why my custom cursor wouldnt work. Turns out, IE (yes, big surprise) takes site url instead of stylesheet as baseurl when it comes to cursors....
Time and again i fall for this same simple mistake. This may not be intuitive in the context of serialized arrays. If you fetch a serialized array with this method you want $single...
If you are familiar with WordPress, you should already know that you should almost never have to use get_posts(). Your best bet is to use WP_Query . As good as wp_query is, you sho...
Türkçe veya diğer özel -multibyte- karakterler için malesef PHP str_word_count(), strlen() gibi fonksiyonlarda yanlış sayım veriyor, her özel karakter 2 kelime / karakter sayılıyor...
Always check for local time Despite the fact that my server timezone was set correctly, somehow time() was giving wrong ( UTC) hour. So i ended up using wp’s functions to mak...